Monday, December 13, 2004

21 Grams

Saw 21 Grams in the weekend. Highly recommended. The performances are terrific, and yes, that IS Charlote Gainsbourg playing Sean Penn's wife.

And not since Memento will you be this confused about what's going on. 21 Grams is all over the place. And that's a good thing. At first, you haven't a clue what's going on, scenes from the lives of 3 main characters - Sean Penn, as a heart transplant recipient, Benicio del Toro, as an ex criminal who's seen the light, and Naomi Watts, whose... well, I won't spoil it, it becomes clear - and later it all makes sense, as their lives intersect. You start to figure out which hairstyle on which character matches which period of their lives. And so on.

And so, I've been struggling with this blog, not that anyone reads it. I have material dating back a few years, and also new stuff happening all the time.

SO I've decided to apply a bit of 21 Grams' structure to it. I won't wait till I've caught up with myself & the numerous pre-posts I have sitting on disk telling how we got to where we are now.

In future I'll be posting old stuff & new as I feel (old stuff will still be posted in roughly chronological order, it'll be interspersed with new stuff though).

unlike 21 Grams though, I might indicate when stuff happened, if it's ancient history. Until I fiigure out photos, you won't be able to jusge fromt he haircuts.

1 comment:

  1. Can;t say I agree with 21 Grams - bored the willies out of me (may have been my mood at the time).

    Stick it all up, we'll work it out ... or have the willies bored one more tine :-)
