Friday, February 11, 2005

Men in Tights & Rat Flinging*

They need one of those temporary hazard signs, but with a morris dancer on it...

This weekend, I'm told, is the annual Manakau Medieval Market.

Katipo Gallery :: Manakau Medieval Market

Not to diss the event, but what is it with dressing up in faux armour & beating each other with plastic swords? I might understand if they had jousting in the Olympics...

Anyway... bound to be a fun day. Traffic will suck chunks... we've decided to skip travelling up the line (not because of the market, although it did not sway us otherwise... although I might be tempted if they were flinging morris dancers from trebuchets!).

I'll be staying home & possibly clearing the front garden for an impending car deck, on the off chance we reconcile our differences with the architect...

* No actual rats were injured in the making of this market.

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