Monday, February 14, 2005

The perfect valentine gift

Actually, I was sorely tempted by the Blade box set...

Calamity Jane (1953)

So I got a valentine from my dog! She could have posed for the card, such was the likeness (and obviously why it was procured). A pretty yellow lab, holding a rose in her mouth. The caption inside said "Thanks for all the walkies..."

One big communal "AWWWWWWWW!!!" then.

I completely forgot about V-day actually, luckily, my beloved anticipated this & gave me a card to give back to her this morning.

Redemptively, I stumbled across the perfect chick-flick DVD at lunchtime (if your favourite song is "Secret Love" anyway.) I was looking for Before Sunrise, which is clearly the greatest romantic movie ever made (haven't seen Before Sunset yet, I'm told that's just as good, if not better).

I myself, got some aftershave... um... it starts with "L"... "La"-something... or something...

And dear readers, did you give or receive anything today?

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