Monday, March 21, 2005

Musings on the weekend...

There's a young student living next door to us - her dining room looks right out onto our back porch where Wilma presides over a pile of bones... nice... that lovely charnel house ambience...

Her mother (I presume) is visiting at the moment. She potters about the garden singing songs to herself in Chinese. It sounds cool. She is unfailingly friendly.

There are secret paths in the Botanic Garden. Sure, there are paths that are very infrequently used, except by me & Wilma, paths where in all the years, I have only ever seen one other person using them.

But there are secret paths also, paths that once were real paths, maintained by the staff and well walked, but now are overgrown, spanned by fallen trees, and terminated by fences, should you venture down...

Wilma & I use these paths too.

In fact, should I win Lotto & have the opportunity to change careers without having to worry about income... I could easily become a Botanic Garden tour guide... I just about know the names of all the paths now, and have named one of the secret paths "Weta Walk"...

I'm considering memorising the dedications for all the park benches too...

Freaky goings on at the Lawn this weekend: I don't know if it was thunder, explosions, or a crane falling down somewhere, but an almighty din was heard from somewhere in town & it really scared Wilma.

10 minutes later, once recovered, Wilma got very tense, making me think that another dog was about to arrive (they know). Minutes went by & nothing... then I noticed the vet's spooky boxer was peering around the corner watching us. He's a freaky one, apparently has delinquent tendencies. he's also got this big goofy face, with big poppy, moonie eyes... like the Tinderbox story... and he's silently watching us... so I brought Wilma away from him & we sat down on a bench. The boxer came onto the lawn, semi-circled around us silently. he looked confused actually, like he was wondering about coming over. Then suddenly he left (looking like he was on his way home). Not the sort of dog you wish to see by himself in public...

Painted the lounge this weekend - the bottom half of it. T is very disappointed that we didn't finish it off completely (so disappointed, that she wants to rejig our Easter plans so we can finish it...). But there is just a bit of the trim to go & a window frame.

We finished watching In the Cut... Mark Ruffalo seems to be a very versatile actor. The movie looks great, there is some superb cinematography. But ultimately, all the characters are dislikable, and the ending is routine.

We watched The Singing Detective also... (based on the old TV show) with Robert Downey Jr, Katie Holmes (much underused), Robin Wright Penn, Carla Guigino, Adrian Brody, and a very, very odd turn by Mel Gibson (all the way through, we're going "Is that Mel Gibson?"). In fact, there are some jibes about how little Gibson is. Since he also produced the movie, we give him full marks for self effacement. Also, his character is very un-movie-idol looking....

I think it uses different songs to the series. And really, it's not such a great update of the story as the movie version of Pennies from Heaven was, some 20 years ago (which had Steve Martin & Christopher Walken proving that they're quite handy dancers).

We have City of God to watch this week.

And boy, it was foggy for much of the weekend...

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