Friday, March 11, 2005

My Night Alone...

Well it has come to pass... after plans changed about 5 times this week, it does look like I'll have a night in alone for the first time in years, on Saturday night.

M has been packed off to school with enough camping gear to keep her alive for weeks, just for Saturday night...

T & I are going to a wedding this afternoon & evening, so M will be staying at her friend's place tonight.

T hikes off to SunnyO on Saturday afternoon to spend some quality time with a few of her myriad sisters... she's taking Wilma even! It'll be me & the cats.

And since I was unable to locate an already unrented wood-chipper to keep me occupied (they all seem to be on long term rental at the moment!)... I'll be painting the hideous wallpaper in our lounge instead.

Not sure what the in-house movie will be... I haven't checked what's on SKY, so it may be a last minute decision at the video store. Chances are it won't be entirely family friendly...

MiramarMike: Wot a night!

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