Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Wilma & friends at the Lawn

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The best times at the lawn are when some of Wilma's doggy pals turn up & she gets the chance to play chase. She is the best at being chased... she dodges round obstacles, sidesteps, hides, and just hares away with as many as 10 dogs in hot pursuit. If the other dogs get tired of the game, she will taunt them with the ball, or rope, until they take up the chase again...

This is Havoc playing tug of war here, he's one of her best pals... although without a rope, or ball to focus on, he can be a bit nippy. Sam the Spoodle (WTF??) is in the rear. He's one of those "intact" dogs who embarrasses his owner by trying it on with pretty much any dog in sight. Except, for some reason, Wilma.  I think she might have beaten him up early on over it.

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