Thursday, May 19, 2005

The best dressed dogs

This season's must have accessory on the dog circuit:Pet Blinker
It's actually quite handy, because it's pitch black by 6pm these days, and dogs do disappear from view very quickly.... This particular model blinks two different colours & the effect is quite nifty. Wilma's model blinks green & red.

Dog owners who have not kitted out their dogs with a Pet Blinker (available from New World Thondon & Animates - please do let me know if you've seen them anywhere else) are so last year.

There are variations available - the mad Staffy Havoc has a fantastic blinking collar, that blinks a dozen or so red LED lights whenever he moves. You can get those from Cranfields.

Only problem is that the batteries do not last very long. So note to Pet Blinker manufacturers: something that either requires no batteries, or is rechargeable, or solar powered even, would be a good enhancement.

I'll keep you posted.

And while we're at it, a range of lit up dog accessories would be great - luminous tennis balls, luminous tug ropes... etc.

Have at it guys. I'll buy.

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