Friday, May 06, 2005

Llew's meals to impress men #1

The esteemed Public Address blogger may well be on to something. What this blog needs is clearly a recipe section.

Although Che's motives are obviously to help men get sex. So to balance the equation, here's one that... well... gives him the energy.
So an alround win-win situation IMO.

Note: Unlike Che's target audience, I will be assuming that women (or
men even) wanting to impress men have some basic knowledge of how a kitchen functions... for instance, how to boil water. Not that there is any boiling of water involved in this recipe. But by all means if you like boiling water, go ahead.

Dunno what it's called..

Gratuitously Blokey Pork & Apple probably covers it though.


As many lean (or fatty - over to you really - check with your doctor
if unsure) pork steaks as you think the bloke will like. And one more
for yourself.

1-2 crisp apples.

As many bacon rashers as there are pork steaks. Or more if you feel like it.

A handful of chopped sage. Dried stuff from a packet if you must.


Core the apples, don't bother peeling them. And slice then into half
rounds, then lay them out onto a non-stick oven dish. Sprinkle with
the sage.

Wrap the bacon around the pork steaks, and place on top of the apples. Dust with pepper (let's be honest, the bacon will provide the salt (if in doubt, check with your doctor again).

Bake at 180 degrees for around 45-60 minutes.

Serve with oven fries, and vegetables or salad of your choice. Or if your target man is particularly blokey, baked beans into which a handful of chopped parsley has been tossed. Make him eat the parsley too.


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