Thursday, June 23, 2005

How much?

Since I won't comment on politics, consider this a comment on voters...

I've been reading a couple of blogs with differing ideas on the question of tax cuts. Since I passed up my chance to have my say on national TV, I may as well have it here.

How much?

I reckon the average voter... no wait, that's too small a subset... the average citizen of a legal age to vote then, doesn't care how, or if a government will or can pay for tax cuts. I have too low an opinion of the population at large. You wait, the two left at the end of How Normal Are You? next week (and who the hell is dressing Kate Hawkesby by the way? Is this how women look in Auckland these days?) will be morons. The sort of argument that's raging in certain circles will be entirely lost on them.

So a quick unscientific poll to see if I'm right:

A political party announces unspecified tax cuts if elected, and that they will be paid for by mincing new born babies & selling them as pet food.

The average punter asks: How much?


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