Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I was driving back from the airport...

...on Friday night. Deep in the bowels of our car somewhere, is a 6 CD stacker. It's so deep & last accessed so long ago, that an archaeological expedition may be required to change the CD selection.

Anyway, I was on my way back from the airport, and while fumbling for small change to pay the car park man, I managed to randomly knock a number of buttons on the CD control panel.

Suddenly, I was listening to Steely Dan. So that's where my Steely Dan album went to...

Pressing a few more buttons at random I found it! The Eagles Greatest Hits! Which is one of the best albums to listen to while speeding (not literally mind you), in a ridiculously large beast* of a car, back into town.

By the time I got home I'd made it through Lyin' Eyes, Peaceful Easy Feeling, and New Kid in Town. Magic.

The next morning, Mrs Llew & I buckled in to head to Sunny O, New Kid in Town piped up, and all was quiet. When that finished, the next track was of course, another Eagles song & T suddenly exclaimed "WTF? This is THAT CD! I thought we must have been on some retard radio station & was prepared to wear it for a moment!"

Sigh... so I said "Hang on, I'll change it to Steely Dan..."

SunnyO: My music.

* I know what people say about people with really big cars... I just want it noted that this car was my wife's choice. WHile it IS extremely pleasant, and practical, and heroically powerful, given the choice, I'd have a really, really small car, maybe a hybrid.... Remember, I said I once had a Fiat Bambina... so there.

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