Friday, June 24, 2005

Lookin' good...

looking good...I splashed out today... I caved to spousal pressure & bought some new reading glasses...

Since my eyes were plasticised, I think I may have mentioned somewhere here that I no longer require glasses for driving, or walking around. However, anything within about 2 metres of me is decidedly fuzzy (I'm told this is because my plastic eyes do not adjust & focus like regular protein eyes do. But then again, it was an unqualified colleague who told me that, so it could be bullshit).

But my opthalmologist told me that now both eyes are pretty much identical I am quite free to indulge in those cheap reading glasses that for so long I thought were utter crap & probably detrimental to your eyesight...

So I went to the $2 shop & bought 5 pairs... one pair to keep at work, one pair for home, one pair for SunnyO, one pair to keep in my bag, and one pair spare...

And since then I have endured endless whinging that these are not "facial furniture", not "Look-at-me glasses" (important apparently), and not "to be seen in public with me".

However, loathe to go spend hundreds of dollars at the opticians, I have resisted.

Until today.

They have yet to be given the wifely seal of approval, but to prove I am no cheapskate, I went & bought 2 pairs, on special at Farmers, for $11.95 a pair, or $19.95 for two.

Such extravagance.

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