Monday, June 27, 2005

Neither can they drive...

A colleague just reported seeing a campervan full of Lions' supporters wham into a trailer carrying a load of kayaks... minimal damage.

OK, I know there was a more tragic accident over the weekend, so scorn has been kept to a minimum out of respect.

But it was 20 years ago today (thereabouts) - Hey! That might make a neat intro to a song! - that I hired a 2.5 tonne truck to help my mum shift house.

All went well until it was time to return the truck. Following the "return vehicles here" signs & arrows, I coolly cruised up outside of the rental office, completely failing to notice that the awning outside their entrance was lower than the cargo bit of the truck. With a huge clang, my suave progress was arrested & the entire cabin of the truck lifted up in the air... then klunked back down.

Fortunately, no damage either to the truck or the awning. Just a smidgeon of humilation for the driver.

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