Thursday, June 09, 2005

Remember the first MMP election?

I don't want to comment on politics really, others do that so much better. But I was watching Kim Hill last night, Winston was on, being predictably vile & evading the questions with bluster...

And I recalled the aftermath of that first election a century or so ago... and people were looking at the instability (jeez, I nearly felt sorry for Bolger having to cope with it), the Tight 5, Undiegate & all that, Winston..., and they were saying that it was all the fault of MMP (not in fact, that FPP was any more stable at times, but memories are short aren't they?).

But my point is, if there is one, perhaps, is that MMP was in no way responsible for the shameful shenanigans that went on. Morons who voted for NZ First were. Simple as that.

You may, of course, disagree, but that's how I saw it. And I wonder what will be blamed if similar things happen again.

And now, we revert to our usual scattershot & trivial transmission...

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