Friday, August 26, 2005

Guava for lunch....

All singing, all dancing, hotties.Isn't the very word "hotties" fantastic. Although there is the irony factor to consider, Ms File has penned a haiku in honour of a sadly less than hottie...

Anyway... I'm going to have to forgo the Guava Tree for a while... today they offered to pull up a chair for me to watch the big screen. Seems my scratching around the copper kitchenware was fooling no-one.

But bonus! There were TWO knowledgable young women in there today. And possibly their father.

And due to a timely comment in my post on the same subject to the Wellingtonista from Andrea at SacredShimmy...

I'll be initiating my Bollywood viewing experience with the movie Devdas. If I can find it.

Official site of the Hindi film Devdas

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