Friday, October 14, 2005

Fuckin' tagged....

Wanda Harland: Tagged - again!

20 random things about me:

1. I'm the least likely person to do one of these things.

2. I have 3 testicles

3. My college nickname was "Cement head"

4. Madonna & I were just "good friends" in the 80s.

5. I once owned a Fiat Bambina

6. Despite the similar appearance, I am NOT related to Viggo Mortenson

7. I was kicked by a horse once and my dad's worried response was "I wonder if it was Cardigan Bay?"

8. I own more barbecues that Imelda Marcos has shoes.

9. I didn't fly until I was 25.

10. I have been known to take a car for a test drive just to get the groceries home from the supermarket.

11. I stood in an elevator twice in my life with David Lange, and both times was too shy to say anything.

12. I have never tried "shrooms"

13. I don't believe in reincarnation

14. Although I was Napoleon in a previous life. And maybe Gandhi.

15. I have no idea why Jimmy cracks corn....

16. Nor who Jimmy is!

17. I scored the winning (and only) goal for West Ham in the 1980 FA Cup final against Arsenal

18. I changed my name from "Trevor Brooking" in 1982.

19. I wrote the Hanson's "MMMMM Bop" song.

20. I make a lot of shit up.

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