Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A short tour...


The house pretty much as seen from the gate.

panorama leftpanorama right

Panorama looking North. The Forest o'Llew at the rear.

Mighty Karaka

Also from the gate, showing the best tree on the property - I so wish it were out in the bare paddocks & not so close to the house (although that's next door in the photo). A great tree for climbing.

Barbecue Tree

We used to have our barbecues under this tree...

Once was jungle

When we bought it, this piece of garden beside the house was impassable. It was wholly overgrown with old houseplants, big palmy fruit salad plant looking things with huge suckers that ran everywhere & even down into the drains. It took a long time to clear.

The famous clothesline & tractor tyre garden

Speaks for itself - about a week's work here for the constructionally impaired.

You can tell a lot about a man from the hat he wears

Looking past the shed toward the feijoa paddock. There are small citrus trees in the mid ground, which have twice this year been unceremoniously pruned by wayward sheep.

Last year's project

The famous tin shed!

This year's project

This will soon be a nicely paved BBQ area.

Will be paving & pathway

And this bit will be gravel & paving stone pathway. At the time of writing, this has all been excavated to a depth of 200mm. I'm ordering base coarse & bedding sand this week.


Actually, this looks a lot more like a firepit now, I should have taken another photo later the next day. Oh well... It sits in a natural basin in the land & I've built a circular ridge around it & eventualy, I'll line the inside with stones (which are onsite already, just spread all around the property), and cement them in with mortar & ash. Possibly.

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