Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Go on... you know you want to...

Look, go rent & watch Napoleon Dynamite, Election, Rocky, Field of Dreams, and hey, why not, A Fist Full of Dollars too.

Then come back here, refreshed, and alive to the possibilities afforded the noble underdog in this day & age, click on the link here, and vote for SunnyO.

Vote for me!

Unconvinced? Here are some recent celebrity endorsements of this site.

"the ever-entertaining Llew at SunnyO" - David Slack

"one of the few I can rely on for daily entertainment." - Wanda Harland

"You are very nice for someone who is entirely nuts." - Ms Vile File

"How the hell did they actually get him off the toilet seat?" - Kowhaikiwi

"Is that really you? I was expecting a naked old man, or Jude Law. Google let me down again." - Ms Vile File

"I'm gonna admit it ... I always thought that sheep photo was a picture of a cow." - Mainlander Mike

"So looking forward to working with you darling." - Pussy Galore (link work unfriendly so omitted)

"Take it off! The people demand it!" - Joanna

"I'm a PMS day away from calling the council and SPCA" - Miss Seph

"Nicely written." - Mainlander Mike

"Brilliant" - Puntiki

"Those are some ugly dogs.... Phew.." - Puntiki

"I am still considering filling the hole with petrol, waiting a few minutes & then tossing in a match" - Llew

"Wow" - Heck

"I would not like that anywhere near my bits and pieces." - Hers

"yes she very good, rednecks like girls mn pretty colour things, she donts look very old," - Peter Quixote

"Thanks on behalf of the ladies, we appreciate the eye candy." - Wanda Harland

"Not safe for Jewish porn fans tho. Shouldn't porn at least try to be inclusive?" - David

"3 words. Too. Much. Time." - DC

"AMEN! TESTIFY!!!" - Che Tibby

"Are you sure you're not making this up?" - Alan

"Wow. I am constantly amazed at the new heights of idiocy that one can discover on the internet." - Miss Seph

"Bloomin' heck. It's all go in the capital city." - Caroline Morphess

"Gosh, it is like being there..." - Wanda Harland

"Something about Miss Lucy in that bikini does raise a smile in Miramar." - Miramar Mike

"is it just me or do those particular tradesmen look kinda gay? - NYC Girl

"I frightened the dog laughing so much at that one." - Caroline Morphess

"I wouldn't know really, I just fast forwarded through to the pole dancing...." - Llew

"There is probably a fetish web site for this sort of thing!' - David

"That is so weird." - Jessie

"...and chocolate salty balls." - Mr Reasonable

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