Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Lord, I have sinned!

Cheers Noizy.

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Which (if any) have you broken? Give examples.

Lust: Oh yes. I won't go into details, as some of those details (from long ago) involve people I have exhorted recently to vote for me :)

Gluttony: Tick

Greed: Probably.

Sloth: My god, I could sloth for my country! Gimme a couch & appropriate relaxants (not always necessaary), and an obscure DVD...

Wrath: Now & then. Not often though. Although once, when I was supposed to be looking after the helpdesk function for a friend of mine who owned a dating agency (long story) this moron called & got both barrels. I should blog that actually.

Envy: No doubt, although I can think of few occasions.

Pride: I'm black. And I'm proud.

I hate memes, so won't be tagging anyone, but feel free to have a go.

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