Monday, November 07, 2005

Planting for the future.

Young RodneyBy golly, it was a busy & fruitful weekend. First off I mowed the back lawn, which has not been mowed for weeks & weeks & was lush, and long.

Then I spied the two small tomato plants that I'd bought a few weeks ago & had subsequently neglected. They looked dead.

But ever the optimist, I dug two black polythene planting bags out of the shed, filled them with compost (taking care not to immerse my head in the bag & inhale legionella bacteria, this is a useful tip for inexperienced gardeners - DO NOT PUT YOUR HEAD IN THE COMPOST BAG!), planted the young things & watered them liberally. By the next day they looked fully recovered.

Then I went down the back of the garden with a rubbish sack & started to pick up all the old beef bones that are now waaaay too gross to let Wilma gnaw on. While there, I found an old terracotta pot sitting there doing nothing. So I emptied it. And in doing so, discovered something wondrous, there was an old avocado pit in it which had sprouted!

Hah! I DO remember planting this a while back, the girls heaped scorn on me, sure that it would never sprout. And in fact that was about 2 years ago, so it's taken a while....

So I replanted it carefully into a new pot, with new compost, and once it is big enough, I'll be planting it out at SunnyO. As a mark of respect, I'll call it "Rod", and plant it out near the other plants that I have deferentially named "Nandor".

I'll be sprouting a few more pits in the near future, to much less scorn, I'm sure.

In other gardening news, I potted up 7 young karakas that had sprouted underneath our mature specimen, the next door neighbour will appreciate them to plant on her whanau's "Karaka Mountain".

And I inspected the latest water feature to suddenly & unexpectedly grace our property - deja vu - we're not sure once again if we're dealing with a spring (which are not unknown in our neck of the woods) or an old forgotten water main. I know it's not our actual watermain, because I can see that 6 feet up the side of the garden fence where it has been strung since the builders severed the pipe.

All very perplexing.

About Avocados - Grow Your Own Avocado Tree

Update on the spring. It is coming from the road side of the toby. So no doubt some nice men from the council will come & fix it soon. probably been leaking for decades.

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