Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Honda Prelude makes emergency landing in Otaki paddock.

The girls were at the supermarket, I was in the shower after a hard day's chainsawing. Suddenly, the extractor fan stopped. Power cut I figured, and confirmed that shortly afterwards by trying all the lights.

So I popped next door & asked if their power was out too - it was. Someone took out a powerline, apparently.

Later, I got a call on the mobile "Have you heard about the crash?"

"No" I said, but I have heard about the power..."

"Well, all the traffic to the beach is blocked, we're having to drive around the long way. You should go & have a look, it's just up the road."

And so Wilma & I went & had a look. Along with several hundred local residents & holiday makers. The emergency crew were very accommodating of us rubberneckers.

One of our Hondas is down 1

One of our Hondas is down 2

One of our powerlines too

Not to mention a fence

Downed Honda

It seems a low flying Honda was forced to crash land through a concrete power pole, and about 50m of farm fencing, before coming to rest in the paddock beside the road. Luckily no-one was seriously hurt.

We surmise it was trying to overtake & encountered traffic coming in the other direction, forcing ther pilot to make an emergency landing. Power was restored within the hour.

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