Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Godwin's Law - You learn something everyday

Don't mention The War!!

Heard of this for the first time last week. had no idea what it meant & was too busy antagonising some guy (really should shake that habit, but y'know, sometimes...) & then racing off for a few days R & R.

And then I came across it again today.

And I'm quite sure that it is mere coincidence that I came across both instances on the same site...

But basically, it is: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one" (from Wikipedia, should you click through there).

Isn't it just beautiful? I'm quite sure (maybe, and maybe some dickhead will take the opportunity to come & tell me with some authority that it is not so) that mention of the Cold War counts too.

Godwin's Law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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