Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fun with photos

I don't know how Alan did this, but doesn't he look like Alick Shaw?

Now, compare him with the real thing... go to google image, & type in "Alick Shaw", oh OK, I've prepared one in advance, just click here.

Here's the interesting bit, and I only came across this, because I went to the Wellington City Council site first, and looked Cr Shaw up there.

And I thought hang on, that doesn't look like Alan! So then I went back & did the google image search. And there he is, in the middle, right?

That's the Alick Shaw I know. Now click on that image.

Magic! Are they the same person? If so, which image is the more recent?

If I get another spare mo', I may try the same thing with Prendergast. Eh... no, I won't. See too many lame pictures of her anyway.

half-pie: black macbook

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