Thursday, January 25, 2007

That reminds me...

One of the things on my list to do this holiday was appear again on TV. Last holidays, and it's on here somewhere, but I can't be arsed searching, I appeared in a brief TV3 slow news day segment. I was filmed planting a tree. I thought maybe I'd get my own gardening show gig from it, but not so far...

So this year the plan was to get another airing, but maybe this time with a few lines to say & demonstrate my TV chops.

Didn't happen, despite the same TV3 camerman from last year holidaying next door for much of the break.

Anyway, I wasn't wedded to TV3 News, I'd have settled for a Shortland Street, Outrageous Fortune or even Karaoke High walk on.

But what p[roved galling, was opening the Listener (or was it the TV guide, I can't recall) and seeing someone I know, with his own, brand new show.


Spare Room » Blog Archive » TV Review: The School of Home Truths

But I have a plan B - and that is, when Ralston is finally ousted as head of TVNZ news, Damian Christie will get his job (positive affirmation expressed to my good mates, Life & the Universe & everything once again) and will tap me to host my own current affairs show. Possibly a bit like Eating Media Lunch, but not so serious & informed.

Or something, hey, I do gardens too!

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