Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Aussies develop brain-driven game

How ironic! I thought at first. Then I saw the names of the two Australians in question.

former Young Australian of the Year and Emotiv president Tan Le and her partner Nam Do

So OK, it's sounding more credible...

Emotiv said its system worked by detecting electrical activity generated by brain cells, known as neurons, using a process known as electroencephalography. Similar technology is used in hospitals to detect epilepsy and sleep disorders in patients.

The company's interface captures and wirelessly transmits information about brain activity to a processor, allowing interaction with video games.

The more a person uses the technology, the more adept the system becomes at recognising the person's intentions and emotions.

After a series of training sessions most people are able to move objects in a virtual world through force of will. The sensors also pick up on facial expressions such as smiles, grimaces and winks, portraying them on the face of the player's avatar - their on-screen representation.

The sensors are also said to be able to detect emotions such as fear and excitement.

Aussies develop brain-driven game - Stuff.co.nz
Meanwhile, a German company has unveiled an interface to allow users to compose messages on their personal computers and play simple games using only their brains.

The Guger Technologies device works along similar lines to the Emotiv system, monitoring brain activity.

Also under development is a thought-controlled robotic wheelchair that would allow paralysed people to move freely through their environments.

Fantastic! I want one.

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