Friday, April 27, 2007

SOS - Save Our Sheep

BaaHeh. I have 6 sheep of varying ages that are going to need new homes in the next month or two (most likely). I'm a wuss, so I'd prefer they were employed as lawnmowers, rather than dinner. But then again, sheep are sheep.

So if anyone knows anyone with paddock getting away from them. Have them get in touch. Sheep are (have been to me) pretty low maintenance lawnmowers, I get them sheared, drenched, feet trimmed etc, once or twice a year, and have needed to pen them for various reasons (flystrike treatment for example - just a spraycan application) perhaps half a dozen times in the last 5 years.

Seems my plan B has been sprung. Hat tip to Spareroom for this woolly tail. Ewe will be amused.

Japanese fooled in poodle scam - World - Breaking News

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