Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hole in my shoe


I looked in the sky where an elephant's eye
Was looking at me from a bubblegum tree
And all that I knew was the hole in my shoe
Which was letting in water (letting in water)
(letting in water)

I walked through a field that just wasn't real
With one hundred tin soldiers which stood at my shoulder
And all that I knew was the hole in my shoe
Which was letting in water (letting in water)
(letting in water)

(Narration: I climbed on the back of a giant albatross
What flew through a crack in the cloud
To a place where happiness reigned all year round
And music played ever so loudly)

I started to fall and suddenly woke
And the dew on the grass had soaked through my coat
And all that I knew was the hole in my shoe
Which was letting in water (letting in water)
(letting in water)

Traffic - 1967
Neil -1984

Dude, who knew this song was so spaced out!??

Anyway, I relate. The time has come to get some new shoes because all of the existing ones (except for the completely waterproof Skellerup Hikers I bought last week) are letting in water.

Indeed, I checked the shoe stash last night - that's where I put all my slightly damaged shoes until I get desperate & take them to be repaired. Or if it was last night, I realise they're shot & chuck 'em.

Then in the morning, I carefully hop around all the puddles on my way to work.

But enough is enough! The Skellerup Hikers don't look too swish with a suit, so hard, cold cash will have to be bartered for something at least vaguely corporate.

And I need a new jacket too.

The issue is, I can't be arsed shopping, well not for clothes anyway, I can spend ages in hardware, barbecue & farming stores. Shoes & jackets do not excite me. Mind you, neither do cold, wet feet, so something is about to give!


Oh, and apropos of nothing - I just noticed my title for this post said "Home in my shoe". Now corrected to save any confusion.

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