Monday, February 04, 2008

Summer snaps

Waitohu Stream

Mist on the Tararuas




Waikawa Boat Day

These were taken at the Annual Waikawa Beach Boat Day. It's a lovely (if somewhat god foresaken in parts) spot. Each year, since time began (at least my mid 30 something nephew remembers taking part in this more than 25 years ago), the residents of the sleepy little beach community at Waikawa gather at the river mouth & hold a series of races. Very serious some of them are too. Must have been a couple of thousand people there, a PA system set up for the race officials, a sausage sizzle, and hundreds of picnickers. It was good fun.

Waikawa Boat Day

Waikawa Boat Day

Waikawa Boat Day

Waikawa Boat Day

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

Otaki Beach

THE Lawn

Otaki Beach

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