In a spectacular reversal of traditional roles, I have devised a new New Year’s Resolution for Mrs Llew. It is:
No More Open Homes!
Several years ago, she & I had an hour to kill before some appointment, so we agreed we’d take a look at an open home down the road. “Just for ideas, you understand”. I did.
Two days later, because that was when the tender closed, we owned that house. I said then “No more open homes!”
But the lesson wasn’t learned.
Anyway, the weekend before last, we attended another open home, not in the same street this time (which is what had me off my guard, we have owned up to 4 houses in just 2 streets at times, at the moment we’re down to 3 houses in 3 streets.)
Yes. We have, or will have soon, a new SunnyO.
And here, I have to give my apologies and “I told you so’s” to Martha, who emailed me late last year to ask my advice about a place she & Glen were looking to buy. I warned them off it, and did mention that no way was I showing this to Mrs llew, because she has a habit of buying things like this.
So anyway, Mrs llew saw it herself, and (assuming no major last minute, pre-unconditional, surprises – LIM report is in the post/bank managers are as yet, blissfully unaware of how we spent the weekend - keep perhaps, an eye on Westpac's shareprice in case it dips sharply when she finds out) we now own it.
It’s an old lodge, near the racecourse, apparently there used to be another house on the property, which technically speaking, was the lodge, in which visiting jockeys would reside at times of race meets. The stables are still there, in good nick although used for storage these days. We’ll turn some of them into bunkhouses for when the extended family (and we have quite some extended family, Mrs Llew being one of 25 kids or so - seems like that anyway) visit.
There’s also a sleepout, historic “tack” room, 100 year old beech tree, and a fully functioning macadamia orchard & processing plant. Not to mention every type of fruit tree known to humanity.
It’s a drive to the beach now, not a walk, but it is a short walk to the river, and the racecourse, both of which I’m sure are worth visiting…
Why did we buy it? Well I can see the appeal for Mrs Llew, the trees are established, and planting out the old SunnyO was a race against time & our natural life expectancies. In not too many more years, I will be 50 (!!).
So what happens to the old one, and the sheep, most of whom have only just taken up residence…?
Only time will tell.
But do drop me a line if you’ve ever fancied a section by the beach, or if you have a potential home for up to 7 pet sheep of varying ancestry & age. Although chances are some will move with us. I’m determined to find them slaughterhouse-free new homes. And now that I am an expert on Macadamia orchards (google) I know that sheep do not eat these trees & so can be safely accommodated in their midst. But there ain’t enough space for all of them.
And on that - de ja vu! The place needs lots of new fencing, to keep animals in & out. But since the last time I was faced with that challenge (check the archives) I've discovered that at least 2 of Mrs llew's thousands of nephews are builders specialising in fences.
And if you're feeling swizzed that this is not a new look for the blog, I'm considering it.
Monday, February 12, 2007
New Look SunnyO
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Monday, February 12, 2007
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