Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Information Enthusiast?

Mike & I just had a quiet lunch at the fabulous Mr Bun in Waring Taylor Street (no link available). Steak & eggs & a mixed grill (can't remember what Mike had). And it's a race to blog the stupid things the other one said...

We discussed our careers & our blogs... and a fellow we both have come across online who tells me his official job title is... Information Enthusiast.

How cool is that? I have no idea what an Information Enthusiast does, but somehow, I want to be one! Although why confine myself to Information Enthusiasm, I could be less of a specialist & be a General Enthusiast (and work my way up to General Manager, Enthusiasm Division) "Wow, that's amazing, keep it up! Let me get you a back rub - INGER! Trainee Enthusiast in cubicle 12" etc. Performance Reviews might be a lot more exciting than they are these days for sure.

So anyway... anyone got any ideas what an Information Enthusiast does?

Anyone got an opening for an aspiring Enthusiast?